
Eva Pharma is committed to deliver to its customers the highest quality standards.

We achieve our mandate of excellence by regularly upgrading our R&D laboratories and facilities with special equipment and state-of-the-art instruments while entrusting their operation to an exceptional team of professionals.

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Is your research proposal relevant to a marketed EVA product(s)?*
If yes, Please specify:*
What is the title of the proposed research study?*
Will the outcomes of this study impact a significant proportion of the population?*
What is the background of the proposed research study? (limit 300 words, maximum 500 words)*
Please provide the rationale for the proposed research study.*
What are the objectives of your research study proposal?*
Describe the methodology of your research (study design, sample size, detailed study methods)?*
Do you have a budget plan for you research proposal?*
If yes, Please write the budget estimate and any financial details (if available).*
In your opinion, what is the timeframe of the proposed study?*
What are the services that you are requesting from our research center? (Please select all that apply)*